Дерево восхождения куки кликер

If you’ve played Cookie Clicker enough, you’re probably familiar with that little bar at the top called Legacy. You hover over it and wonder, what does this button do? Well, you just found the Ascension mechanic in Cookie Clicker. Today, I am going to be going over all you need to know about Ascension in Cookie Clicker and provide you with the go-to guide for questions like “when should I ascend?”, “what upgrades should I get?”, and more!

Feel free to skip to whatever part of the Ascension guide you want with the table of contents! I’ll be going over lots of mechanics and tips for Ascending in Cookie Clicker!

Oh and this will work for both the browser version of Cookie Clicker and the Steam version! So, don’t worry if you were looking for an Ascension guide for a specific version!

Curious about the best Krumblor Aura? Or the Grandmapocalypse? Check out both of those in-depth guides on them!

Ascension Guide Cookie Clicker

Ascension is similar to a new game plus in other games. You reset your progress in the current run, but you get bonuses for completing certain milestones. Cookies created (from clicking or otherwise) are the milestones in this case.

When you decide to ascend you get a couple of things. Heavenly chips and a CPS boost based on how many prestige levels you have.

How Many Cookies for Each Ascension?

To unlock the first ascension or prestige level in Cookie Clicker, you have to bake 1 trillion cookies. This isn’t an easy feat. Depending on how active you are, this could take days or weeks, and that’s just for your first prestige level.

You’re probably going to get impatient and want to Ascend quickly. I recommend you read the next part of the Ascension guide first.

The general rule of thumb for Ascending in Cookie Clicker, especially the first time, is at least 200 prestige levels. There are different tribes of Cookie Clicker players that say different numbers, with some even saying you should wait until you are into the several thousand, but if you’d like to Ascend early, 200 is one of the best times to do so.

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That being said, a very famous cookie clicker guide says to Ascend first at 400 levels. This gives you enough Heavenly Chips to get a bunch of extremely useful upgrades that will come in handy for future Ascensions.

I personally Ascended pre-200 and within a day was smashing through Ascension levels, so I don’t think it is that important to stick to waiting until 1000. Others agree as well.

Still, you need to have some Heavenly Chips to snag some amazing Ascension upgrades. The next section of the Cookie Clicker Ascension guide will go over that.

Heavenly Upgrades Guide

Heavenly Upgrades are what the upgrades that you purchase with Heavenly Chips are called. These upgrades help you in your subsequent runs tremendously, from providing buffs to your CPS to increasing golden cookies, to even giving you a Cookie Dragon that doubles your cookie production!

When Ascending in Cookie Clicker, here are what I recommend you get during your first Ascension. I will include the number of Heavenly Chips required for each one.

  • Legacy (1 Chip)
  • Heavenly Cookies (3 Chips)
  • How to Bake Your Dragon (9 Chips)
  • Heavenly Luck (77 Chips)
  • Total (90)

Those upgrades are what I would consider the most important Heavenly Upgrades in Cookie Clicker. Sure, some of the other upgrades are nice, like having the tin of cookies or having cursors to begin with, but neither are that efficient. With these, you will be able to have your Dragon, increase your Golden Cookie chance, and have a base 10% extra CPS.

Ascension Level Guide

If you are more patient and are willing to wait until you get several hundred, here is another set of Heavenly Upgrades:

  • Legacy (1)
  • Heavenly Cookies (3)
  • How to Bake Your Dragon (9)
  • Box of Brand Biscuits (25)
  • Tin of British Tea Biscuits (25)
  • Tin of Butter Cookies (25)
  • Box of Macarons (25)
  • Starter Kit (50)
  • Heavenly Luck (77)
  • Permanent upgrade slot 1 (100)
  • Heralds (100)
  • Total (440)

As you can see, you will need 440 total HC (Heavenly Chips) to acquire these upgrades. But, for being so patient, you will be awarded lots of extra CPS and you’ll be able to skip the early game more or less.

Permanent Upgrade Slot Strategy

One of the most important Heavenly Upgrades is the Permanent Upgrade Slot. This allows you to select one upgrade that will be unlocked at the beginning of your next run, for free! It doesn’t matter how expensive the upgrade is, as long as you’ve got it in the past, you can put it in the Permanent Upgrade Slot.

Most people ask, “What should I use my Permanent Upgrade Slot on in Cookie Clicker?”.

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Without a doubt, the Golden Cookie upgrades. Golden Cookies are the main way you will be creating cookies the later the game goes, and missing out on even one can slow down your run by DAYS. Because of this, you should be prioritizing the Golden Cookie upgrades for your Permanent Upgrade Slot.

Later, when you start setting up your temples and farms, you can increase bonuses with Golden Cookies that can have you quickly gaining thousands of Heavenly Chips.

No. If this is your first Ascension, you should not be Ascending as soon as you can. You’ll slow down your progress instead of speeding it up, which is the whole purpose of Ascending in the first place. Instead, get to a decent prestige level (at least 50) and then Ascend. You’ll at least be able to purchase some upgrades and have a decent CPS increase for your next run.

Again, some people say the best time to Ascend is 400, but I feel like you can get away with Ascending earlier.

What Happens When you Ascend in Cookie Clicker

When you Ascend, you will be taken to a screen that looks like a bunch of constellations and a whole lot of selection choices on which to spend your hard-earned Heavenly Chips. After you select them, you start the game back over again, with no buildings or upgrades from your previous run (unless of course, you have a Heavenly Upgrade).

Should I Sell My Buildings Before Ascending Cookie Clicker

No. Selling your buildings does not affect the Ascension level. It is only based on the number of Cookies you have made from clicking or from your buildings producing them.

So don’t worry about selling anything; you will just be wasting time.

Does the Stock Market Work With Ascension?

No, sadly. Buying and selling “stocks” in the Stock Market mini-game does not affect the Ascension level.

That doesn’t mean it is useless, however. Using gains from the stock market to buy more buildings will definitely help you in the long run!

Does Popping Wrinklers Work With Ascension?

Wrinklers Ascension Cookie Clicker

YES! Popping Wrinkers is the one thing that does work with Ascension. All of the cookies they create when they are popped are added to your prestige level! So make sure to pop them before Ascending!

Also, check out our Grandmapocalypse guide if you’re curious about what Wrinklers are or how to utilize them properly.

Do I Keep Sugar Lumps When Ascending?

Yes. All of your sugar lumps and buildings upgraded with sugar lumps will still be there when you Ascend. You don’t lose any.

Lucky Digit Ascension

Lucky Digit Ascension

To get three Heavenly Upgrades you have to Ascend when your prestige level ends in 7, 77, and finally 777.

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It is recommended that you try and get each one as quickly as possible because Golden Cookies are one of the strongest methods of earning cookies in Cookie Clicker.


And that’s it for my Ascension Guide for Cookie Clicker! If you’d like to see the full tree, check out this image.

I hope this helps you determine when you should Ascend in Cookie Clicker and makes the game a bit more interesting! Your next stop is our Krumblor guide!

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Вот что вам следует знать о восхождении в Cookie Clicker.

Cookie Clicker — это интересная игра, в которой вам нужно только кончик пальца. Продолжайте нажимать на гигантскую куки, чтобы создать больше куки и разблокировать новые обновления. От Grand MA до Farm — вы можете развернуть все, что вам нужно, чтобы ваш бизнес с использованием топпингов стал популярен во всем мире. Пытаясь понять игру, вы, возможно, смотрели во все уголки экрана. Между тем, вы можете заметить кнопку Legacy прямо под информацией в правом верхнем углу. Что ж, нажав кнопку «Наследие», вы получите доступ к Вознесению.экран в Cookie Clicker. Интересно, что такое Вознесение? или когда это делать? или любая другая вещь, связанная с этим. Прочтите это руководство до конца, чтобы узнать о нем все в деталях.

Рассмотрите вознесение как награду за достижение определенной вехи (выпечки печенья) в этой игре. Чтобы подняться в первый раз, вам необходимо создать не менее 1 триллиона топпингов.До этого вы не сможете получить какую-либо награду за Вознесение в Cookie Clicker.

Кроме того, количество испекенных вами топпингов дает вам Престиж и >Небесные фишки после восхождения. Кроме того, имейте в виду, что небесные фишки необходимы для покупки небесных улучшений, которые остаются постоянными на протяжении всего сеанса. Еще одна вещь, которую следует отметить в Возвышение, это то, что он сбрасывает все созданные вами топпинги.в Cookie Clicker. Хотя, как уже упоминалось, Небесные улучшения, приобретенные ранее, останутся такими, какими они были, чтобы дать вам положительные эффекты.

После восхождения в Cookie Clicker вы попадете на экран типа созвездия. . При этом вы можете увидеть разные слоты с приобретаемыми улучшениями, если у вас достаточно Небесных фишек и престижа.

Когда Правильное время для восхождения?

Согласно мне, вы должны подняться, как только вы достигнете как минимум 200 престижа в Cookie Clicker. Потому что к тому времени вы разблокируете несколько драгоценных Небесных Улучшений на экране Вознесения. Однако это зависит от того, сколько терпения у вас есть, чтобы подождать и получить больше Престижа и Небесных фишек.

Это все, что вам нужно знать о Вознесении в Cookie Clicker. А пока вы здесь, обязательно ознакомьтесь с другими нашими руководствами по Cookie Clicker на Guideer.


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