Empyrion galactic survival умершее растение

Empyrion galactic survival умершее растение

9 сен. 2017 в 10:11

I have planer boxes on my CV with lights. Im on Acua, so I can stand in the grow room without a helmet. So there is o2. But the oxygen is not turned on in the CV consol. Does the CV need to be constantly presurized to grow plants? Do I need a venalator in the grow room to bring in outside air? Or are they dying for some other reason? Thanks.

9 сен. 2017 в 10:14

9 сен. 2017 в 10:16

9 сен. 2017 в 10:24

I have planer boxes on my CV with lights. Im on Acua, so I can stand in the grow room without a helmet. So there is o2. But the oxygen is not turned on in the CV consol. Does the CV need to be constantly presurized to grow plants? Do I need a venalator in the grow room to bring in outside air? Or are they dying for some other reason? Thanks.

On Akua, you have to build a grow box (using nutrient solution, wood and rock dust) and a grow light. The grow light is part of the tech tree you have to reach level 2 or 3 to earn it. Youll need a food processing station. Place the grow light within 2 squares of your grow box. Plant the seeds in the grow box. Its also better to build a grow room completely INSIDE your base, so its protected from the elements.

9 сен. 2017 в 10:49

What is the radiation level? if there is even 0.1 Rads, it will kill the plants. In order to grow plants you need a light, a oxygenated enviroment, and there must not be radiation, thats actually the primary reason they die is due to radiation levels.

9 сен. 2017 в 14:13

Does the ship oxygen need to be turned on? I can breathe without a helmet in the grow room. But the ship oxygen is turned off. Is that a problem?

I never left the surface of Akua, but if I wanted to, Is there any way to shield the radiation, so I can fly by CV with a grow room to a radiation planet?

Third question, if the power goes out for a bit how long before the plants die?

9 сен. 2017 в 14:18

Does the ship oxygen need to be turned on? I can breathe without a helmet in the grow room. But the ship oxygen is turned off. Is that a problem?

I never left the surface of Akua, but if I wanted to, Is there any way to shield the radiation, so I can fly by CV with a grow room to a radiation planet?

Third question, if the power goes out for a bit how long before the plants die?

The grow room needs to be hermetically sealed. That means thoroughly airtight and ventilated.
As long as this is the case, it doesn’t matter where you take it.
However, cut the power and you no longer have an O2 supply to the grow room and your plants will die in moments.

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9 сен. 2017 в 15:13

On Akua its the temperature that kills the plants. as other say, make the room airtight, then it should heat up, and the plants will stay alive.

11 сен. 2017 в 15:20

This shouldn’t be happening on Akua at all. You should be able to grow them outside as long as it’s within the alloted temp. Plants should also be able to handle low lvls of radiation with no issues, and in some cases (Chernobyl) these plants adapt and change certain proteins and other chemical nodes to flourish.

What should kill plants are high lvls of radiation exposure, high heat, very low temp, or if there is an immediate breach of their containment while in space or any planet with no sustainable atmosphere. Beyond that, it shouldn’t be that hard to grow the crops. They could easily set up certain crops to be more resiliant as well.

The primary issue I have seen and brough to the devs attention in the past, is that if you had your temp set to F, it will kill your plants as the code is not right (may still be the same bug). You have to grow with your temp shown in C for some reason.

It’s been awhile since I got on to test this, but it was a primary issue that helped resolve a lot of grow plot issues in the recent past.

10 ноя. 2017 в 14:12

I’m having this problem as well.

I have my plants growing on Akua. Initially, I put them into a building and sealed it, added a ventilator and ensured I had O2. Things seemed to be going fine for a few days. Then, I came in and every plant not underneath a light died.

So, I removed the roof, got rid of all the lights, and replanted. Again, everything seemed to be working fine for a few days, no issues. Then all of a sudden all my plants died.

I have no idea what seems to be causing it, and it’s super annoying. I have read in some other threads that changing anything in your base might cause the plants to just suddenly die. I am always changing things in my base, so I can’t keep having my plants die. Maybe what I should try is just setup a separate base as a greenhouse and not modify it. That might work.


Empyrion galactic survival умершее растение

Empyrion — Galactic Survival

2017 年 10 月 31 日 上午 12:34

Put plants in the garden and they die (bulb plants). The beds left from the old base. Base active.
Сажаю растения в грядки а они умирают (лампы для растений есть). Грядки остались от старой базы. База активна.

2017 年 10 月 31 日 上午 1:46

Make sure the room is air tight, place a ventilator inside and make sure you have oxygen. Power the base and turn on oxygen. use ‘N’ debug oxygen to make sure its working. You should see loads of blue O2 Octahedrons and you’ll know its all good. If you see them one square away from ventilator but no where else you have a leak in the room.

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2017 年 10 月 31 日 上午 2:35

2017 年 11 月 13 日 上午 5:29

Народ, растения уже выращивал, даже отдельную теплицу как-то делал. Начал другую игру, дошел вот до создания плантации(хотя необходимость в кобальте — убивает, месторождений-то нет). Они же взяли и померли. Пара ламп над 9 блоками болталась. Кислородное обеспечение на кислородной планете как я понимаю без надобности, хотя бак заполнен и он куда-то тратится. Единственное помещение большое и с запасом. В том же Resque Module растения растут, а в построенном помещении накрылись(. Есть зависимость от размера помещения, постройкитеплицы не только из стекла и тп? А то как-то я в растерянности.
P/S Помещение герметичное, разве что вентилятор прилеплен как попало внутри. Или надо дырку в стекле делать?

2017 年 11 月 13 日 上午 6:26

If your plants are dying keep an eye on your temperature in the area. I can’t read Cyrillic so I apologize if this was said already. My plants kept dying because they were right next to my generator. The temperature was close to 90° C! The EGS wiki has the acceptable growing range.

2017 年 11 月 13 日 上午 6:48

In a sealed room you have normaly 22° C. I think on akua it works without ventilator, but have to
be airtight, too (I´m not really sure, but in my parked CV on Akua it works).

2017 年 11 月 13 日 上午 9:25

2017 年 11 月 14 日 上午 2:31

Поместил растения в отдельное помещение с лампами и подачей кислорода (вентилятор). Растут нормально. В помещении была проблема в кислородом. Почему сохли на улице? Возможно ночные температуры. Спасибо.
Put the plants in a separate room with lamps and oxygen supply (fan). Grow normally. In the room there was a problem in oxygen. Why had crushes on the street? Perhaps night-time temperature. Thank you.


Empyrion galactic survival умершее растение

11 мая. 2018 в 9:07

Do they have a purpose? They don’t rot so can’t be used for fuel production, the only point I can see for them would be a base themed on the ‘Adams family decor style’.

Accidentally found a novel way to kill aggressive raptors — explode your motorbike! Just dismounted when it attacked, turned and fired shotgun, hit the bike, quite an explosion, expensive way of getting a steak meal and a long walk back to base.

11 мая. 2018 в 10:23

Do they have a purpose? They don’t rot so can’t be used for fuel production, the only point I can see for them would be a base themed on the ‘Adams family decor style’.

as of right now, they are literally dead weight. (ba dum, tss)
farther down the road, it would make sense for them to be converted to rotten food.

11 мая. 2018 в 10:30

im playing experimental v8 and you dont use spoiled meat for biofuel in it, you make bio from plant fibers which you get from trees or picking some plants
the only thing you will need spoiled food for soon will be nutrient solution, so you dont need very much, but its the exp branch so nothing is for certain yet 😛

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11 мая. 2018 в 11:47

The reason there even in there at all is because we need a dead plant model for when your plants die, Im sure it will get put to use at some stage, dunno what for or anything but its an asset they could take advantage of anytime.

19 июл. 2020 в 19:00

I think they need to make it craftable into plant fiber that just makes any sense..and yes I am the master post necromancer

19 июл. 2020 в 19:49

Correct, but if you have volume and mass on they take up 100 Su which is almost 1/6 of your capacity. If you plan on having one to get back to base it’s about 1/3.

19 июл. 2020 в 20:07

When this thread was made the bike cost more to make.

We do need a use for dead plants though. It doesn’t feel right throwing stuff away in a survival game.

19 июл. 2020 в 20:20

yea the bike thing was way off original topic about dead plants.. but yea kinda sick of tossing any dead ones out

19 июл. 2020 в 21:08

19 июл. 2020 в 21:49

31 окт. 2021 в 16:10

. think you mean «they».. none of us are part of the dev team. There was a moderator (presumably dev) response in this thread, so I presume they were referring to them.
Also yeah I fully expected to be able to craft it into rotten food, then ended up here.

31 окт. 2021 в 20:05

There was a moderator (presumably dev) response in this thread, so I presume they were referring to them.
Also yeah I fully expected to be able to craft it into rotten food, then ended up here.
Why are you answering a year old post. Necro much. Look at the dates of threads. If they are not very recent the make a new one to get more recent information. The game has went through a lot of changes in the last couple of years.

1 ноя. 2021 в 16:53

There was a moderator (presumably dev) response in this thread, so I presume they were referring to them.
Also yeah I fully expected to be able to craft it into rotten food, then ended up here.

Why are you answering a year old post. Necro much. Look at the dates of threads. If they are not very recent the make a new one to get more recent information. The game has went through a lot of changes in the last couple of years.

There was a moderator (presumably dev) response in this thread, so I presume they were referring to them.
Also yeah I fully expected to be able to craft it into rotten food, then ended up here. massive changes since then..lol


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