Flora incognita определение растений

The Flora Incognita App

The Flora Incognita app currently allows the automatic identification of more than 16.000 vascular plant species. The identification process is intuitive: take a picture of the plant with the camera of the smartphone or tablet. The unknown plant is then automatically identified in seconds. In addition to the identified plant species, a fact sheet displays further information such as characteristics, distribution, or protection status. The app was launched in April 2018 and is freely available in 20 languages for Android, iOS, and Harmony OS devices. The Flora Incognita app consists of four main usage scenarios accessible from the app’s home screen:

This is where you start the photo-based identification process.

Here you can find all species currently supported by the Flora Incognita app.

Here you will find all your saved observations.

Here you will find further information about the app’s functionalities and the latest news.

Identify plant

The app guides users through an adaptive process of taking one or more images depicting specific organs of an unknown plant, such as a flower or a leaf. Which images are requested and in which order is determined automatically based on an observation’s context, that is, the growth form of the unknown plant, the current season and already acquired information. The identification process requires an internet connection for transferring images and metadata to the server and receiving results. In areas without network coverage, users can capture unknown plants and save those observations in offline mode. When, later, there is a network connection, those plant findings can be identified with all important metadata pertaining to that image (i.e. date and location). All images are analyzed using a cascade of deep neural networks on the Flora Incognita computer cluster. The app will either suggest a single plant species or a short list of similar species ranked by the identification probability. For each species, a comprehensive fact sheet and informative images depicting different perspectives and organs are provided. Users are requested to confirm the correct species at the end of the process to commit an observation.

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Photograph a plant from defined perspectives.

The result of the automatic identification is displayed within seconds.

Learn more about your discovery with the plant fact sheet.

Review your plant findings on a personalized map.

Keep up-to-date with app news and plant knowledge facts in the Flora stories!

My observations

After the user has confirmed the observation during the identification process, the observation is stored in the personal plant list. This plant list can be searched, sorted and exported in comma-separated values format (CSV). Upon selecting an individual observation, users can review all details, revise the identified taxon and share the observation via social media.

Species list

The species list shows all species currently identifiable with the system and can be searched by scientific name, common name, genus and life form or a combination thereof. For each species, a comprehensive fact sheet provides information about its characteristics, ecology, toxicity and status. These fact sheets are automatically updated to the user’s current location meaning that they include ecological, protection and distribution information relevant at this position. Additionally, the fact sheets contain links to national floristic websites providing more in-depth information that goes beyond the average user interest. While we aim for high-quality fact sheets across all supported languages and for a global geographic range, not all information is available yet. We are continuously adding content and have designed a solution that facilitates complete flexibility. For example, we are collaborating with KOSMOS, a publisher of widely renowned analogue field guides, to integrate their species fact sheets for customers who purchased field guides from the ‘Was blüht denn da?’ series. Future collaborations include the development of children-specific fact sheets. Where multiple fact sheets are available, the user can select the desired one via the app’s settings.


In the Flora stories, we discuss app-related topics, for example, how to take pictures most suitable for automated identification and keep users informed with frequently updated stories about topics related to plant diversity.

Please cite the Flora Incognita app as follows:

Mäder, P., Boho, D., Rzanny, M., Seeland, M., Wittich, H. C., Deggelmann, A., & Wäldchen, J. (2021). The flora incognita app–interactive plant species identification. Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

We will send an apk on request. Please send us a mail to support@floraincognita.com



On this page you will find pictures and videos that you can use for your press and media work.

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For further questions please contact us: support(at)floraincognita.com


Download photos in high resolution quality

Screenshots and logo of the Flora Incognita app

Explainer films

Explanatory films about the project and the apps

How to quote

Please cite the Flora Incognita app as:

Mäder, P., Boho, D., Rzanny, M., Seeland, M., Wittich, H. C., Deggelmann, A., & Wäldchen, J. (2021). The flora incognita app–interactive plant species identification. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 12 : 1335 – 1342 . https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13611

Please cite the Flora Capture App as:

Boho, D., Rzanny, M., Wäldchen, J., Nitsche, F., Deggelmann, A., Wittich, H. C., Seeland, M., & Mäder, P. (2020). Flora Capture: a citizen science application for collecting structured plant observations. BMC bioinformatics, 21(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12859-020-03920-9

Please acknowledge our funders

We ask to refer to our sponsors in reports about the project and the Flora Incognita Apps (Flora Incognita & Flora Capture).

Reporting on the project

The Flora Incognita Project is a joint effort of the Technical University of Ilmenau and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena. It was funded from 2014 to 2020 by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, and the Stiftung Naturschutz Thüringen. Since 2019, the partners have been working on the follow-up project Flora Incognita++ and are funded in the Federal Programme Biodiversity by the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and by the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation.

Coverage of the Flora Incognita Apps

The Flora Incognita Apps are developed by the Technical University of Ilmenau and the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena. Their development was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation with funds from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, as well as the Thuringian Ministry for the Environment, Energy and Nature Conservation and the Thuringian Foundation for Nature Conservation.


Discover plant diversity

Identify more than 16.000 plant species with the Flora Incognita app and expand your plant knowledge.

Save your plant observations

Save your observations and thus make an important contribution to science.

Extensive plant fact sheets

Learn many interesting facts about plants, e.g. characteristics, protection status and distribution.

Free of charge and advertising

The Flora Incognita app is totally free of charge and advertising and even works without a constant internet connection. This makes it a perfect tool for educational purposes in schools, universities and nature conservation initiatives.

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The research project “Flora Incognita++” combines AI-supported plant identification with Citizen Science.

News from the project

How to export your Flora Incognita records to a custom map (Google Maps, QGIS and R)

Two hands hold a smartphone over a flower-rich meadow. The smartphone display shows the Flora Incognita App.

https://floraincognita.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Blog-FloraObsExport.png 600 1600 Anke Bebber https://floraincognita.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/11/flora-incognita_logo_horizontal_RGB-e1669665654345.png Anke Bebber 2023-07-05 16:24:32 2023-07-05 16:31:35 How to export your Flora Incognita records to a custom map (Google Maps, QGIS and R)

Press Release: New AI for Flora Incognita

https://floraincognita.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/IMG_3994-scaled.jpg 1920 2560 Anke Bebber https://floraincognita.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/11/flora-incognita_logo_horizontal_RGB-e1669665654345.png Anke Bebber 2023-04-18 10:51:45 2023-05-12 12:32:57 Press Release: New AI for Flora Incognita

Flora Incognita now with offline mode

https://floraincognita.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/offlinemode_new.png 600 1600 Anke Bebber https://floraincognita.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/11/flora-incognita_logo_horizontal_RGB-e1669665654345.png Anke Bebber 2023-04-04 16:31:22 2023-05-12 12:33:52 Flora Incognita now with offline mode

News from science

The future of key-based plant identification – a user study

https://floraincognita.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Paper_UserExperimentEN.png 600 1600 Anke Bebber https://floraincognita.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/11/flora-incognita_logo_horizontal_RGB-e1669665654345.png Anke Bebber 2023-02-13 13:28:04 2023-02-13 13:28:04 The future of key-based plant identification – a user study

Deep Learning in Plant Phenological Research: A Systematic Literature Review

https://floraincognita.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Paper_PhenologyReviewEN.png 600 1600 floraincognita https://floraincognita.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2022/11/flora-incognita_logo_horizontal_RGB-e1669665654345.png floraincognita 2022-03-24 17:42:22 2023-02-13 13:29:42 Deep Learning in Plant Phenological Research: A Systematic Literature Review


Flora Incognita

Приложение предназначено для распознавания растений по фотографии. Пользователи могут сохранить историю наблюдений и ознакомиться с подробной информацией.

Flora Incognita – приложение для мобильных устройств под управлением Android, с помощью которого можно изучать окружающий мир. Как и PlantNet, данная утилита позволяет определить название растения по его фотографии. В каталоге содержится более четырех тысяч видов цветов, деревьев, кактусов и так далее. Есть возможность сохранить историю наблюдений.


Для использования утилиты необходимо создать учетную запись, указав адрес электронной почты и пароль. Далее нужно выбрать тип растения и сфотографировать его. Процесс распознавания занимает не более трех секунд, после чего во всплывающем коне появится название вида.

Утилита содержит множество карточек, в которых представлена дополнительная информация о представителях флоры. Есть возможность посмотреть фотографии и ознакомиться с описаниями.

Стоит отметить, что сервис не распознаёт садовые и декоративные растения. Утилита предназначена для идентификации только дикорастущих видов.


Приложение позволяет узнать географию произрастания трав, цветов, деревьев и кустарников. Для поиска растений в своем регионе потребуется разрешить доступ к отслеживанию координат.


В отдельной вкладке сохраняется история наблюдений. Есть возможность экспортировать сведения и поделиться ими с другими пользователями.


  • приложение можно скачать и использовать бесплатно;
  • утилита предназначена для определения растений по фотографии;
  • есть возможность получить подробную информацию о каждом виде;
  • пользователи могут составлять и экспортировать списки наблюдений;
  • приложение совместимо с актуальными версиями Android.


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