Plants vs zombies zen garden все растения

Zen Garden (Plants vs. Zombies)

Zen Garden is a game mode in Plants vs. Zombies. It is a virtual garden where the player keeps plants that he or she has collected, usually obtained from Adventure Mode I, Zombie Endless or File:ZenGardenNeedWater.png

The Zen Garden with icon indicating plants want water


Overview [ ]

A fully populated Zen Garden

The objective of the mode is to acquire plants, either by random drops in any of the other game environments or by purchasing them from coins every 30–60 seconds or so for up to a full calendar day. At midnight, they will again require water and bug spray or music (Tip: The plants’ «desires» will reset at midnight every day. This means that if you start at 23:55, then as you finish, your plants will want water, food, etc. again, effectively letting you make them grow twice in one go.)

Populating the Zen Garden [ ]

There are 32 available spaces for Zen Garden plants in the main Zen Garden, and eight slots in each of the other two gardens which can be purchased from Crazy Dave for $30,000 each: the aquatic plants. Zen Garden plants can be obtained by random drops from killing zombies, or up to three Zen Garden Marigolds can be purchased per real calendar day from Marigolds, any of the upgrades, or a Grave Busters and Planterns , can be sold for $8000 when fully-grown. Mushrooms and aquatic plants can be sold for $10,000 when fully grown.

The best way to get Zen Garden plants is to play Survival: Endless , as all plants can be obtained in it and it is the level with the greatest number of zombies.

Keeping the plants happy [ ]

A Yellow Marigold in the Zen Garden receiving Bug Spray

Mushrooms and aquatic plants will not mature past the first stage or allow themselves to be happy unless they are in the Mushroom Garden or Aquarium, respectively, and aquatic plants never need to be watered once they have grown past the seedling stage. Although they will not grow unless, in the proper environment, they will ask for bug spray or music, and can become happy in any environment if fully grown. Once fully grown and happy, mushrooms can then be moved to the main Zen Garden where they will remain awake and drop coins at intervals throughout the day (aquatic plants can be moved there as soon as they mature). Mushrooms must be moved back to the Mushroom Garden once a day to be watered and made happy again, after which they will remain awake in the main Zen Garden, or they can be left in their own garden and will drop coins there after a short while when happy. Other aquatic plants, once fully grown, no longer need to be in the Aquarium Garden to be made happy, and never need to be watered. They, too, can be left in their own garden to drop coins.

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Night and aquatic plants can be moved to the main Zen Garden once they are fully grown and happy.

Populated Moving Zen Garden plants [ ]

Plants can be moved around in the main Zen Garden by purchasing a File:3541016734 53fdd0d54b.jpg

An almost full Daytime Zen Garden

Making money [ ]

Purchased Marigolds start as small flower seedlings, but other dropped plants start as unidentified sprouts. In order for these plants to begin dropping coins, they must be cared for until they mature. As each plant grows, an icon will appear next to the plant indicating what it needs: water, fertilizer, bug spray or music. When the player gets the Zen Garden, he or she begins with a single-shot watering can that can be used over and over again — each use watering a single plant. The File:Marigolds zen garden.png

Marigolds in the Zen Garden

  • Each time the player initially waters a plant that needs water, it will drop a silver coin.
  • After three to five waterings, a seedling will ask for fertilizer. Once it has been given fertilizer, the seedling will then mature into a very small version of the full-grown plant and drop a gold coin.
  • 30 minutes to one hour later, the small plant will again become thirsty and require another round of waterings, followed by a request for more fertilizer, at which time it will grow to a medium-sized plant and drop two gold coins.
  • Later, the plant will need another round of waterings, and ask for more fertilizer. It will then give the player two diamonds (except for Marigolds, which give one).
  • Finally, there will be one last round of waterings followed by another request for bug spray or the phonograph. If the plant is then provided the correct items asked for, it will glow with a gold aura (signifying that the plant is «happy») and reward the player with a gold coin (three if it’s a mushroom or aquatic plant) and then drop coins for the rest of the day. The drop rate starts out relatively high and decreases as the day progresses. Also, the plants may cease to drop coins if the previous two coins they dropped are not picked up. The player can either pick them up manually or purchase Automation [ ]

The Zen Garden will not produce or collect coins unless the Plants vs. Zombies window is open to the Zen Garden. This means the player may open another window and run other applications while continuing to collect coins from the Zen Garden (the game must not be in full screen, and if the game is minimized, the Zen Garden won’t drop or collect coins for the PC version). However, timers, like Stinky the Snail’s sleep timer, will continue to run. At midnight, by the player’s computer’s clock, the timer resets, and his or her plants will need to be watered or made happy once more. On the iOS and Android versions, the Zen Garden will produce and collect coins when the player isn’t in the garden, even if the app isn’t open. File:IMG 1198.png How many coins Stinky collected before falling asleep (iOS and Android only) File:ZGM.jpg Lavender Marigold The Zen Garden can be a relaxing low-pressure click-for-rewards game, or can simply be left running as a musical and visual treat. Additionally, feeding Stinky chocolate will allow the player to continue collecting coins, even when they aren’t at the computer, making the Zen Garden a popular way to earn money.

Making money faster through Marigolds [ ]

  1. Buy a Marigold Sprout (or more than one).
  2. Water the Marigold until it asks for a Exception: Zen Garden in Plants vs. Zombies FREE (Android/iOS) [ ]

Marigold sprouts cost $5000, yet full grown marigolds only sell for $3000. You are actually losing $1150 for every marigold that you buy from Twiddydinkies. This goes as follows: Buy sprout (-$5000). Water 5 times (1 silver coin for each of the 5 watering 5x$10 = +$50. Fertilize (-$150). Get 1 gold coin (+$50). Water 5 times (1 silver coin for each of the 5 watering 5x$10 = +$50. Fertilize (-$150). Get 2 cold coins 2x$50= +$100. Water 5 times (1 silver coin for each of the 5 watering 5x$10 = +$50. Fertilize (-$150). Get 1 blue diamond (+$1000). Sell full grown Marigold (+$3000). Total expenses = $5450. Total revenue = $4300. For a net loss of $1150 for each Marigold sprout purchased and grown. Don’t buy Marigold sprouts for $5000 in Plants vs. Zombies FREE (Android/iOS).

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