Сборник 3d моделей растений

3D Plants

House and ornamental plants play an important role in the design of living spaces and outdoor areas. In the development of interior projects there is often a need to create a three-dimensional model of a vase with flowers or houseplants on the windowsill. Also without 3D meshes of flowers there is just no way to be for a landscape design – three-dimensional image helps to pick up the necessary varieties of flower crops and ornamental bushes for the flower decking, front garden or just in some kind of country house.

It is possible to create a 3D model of a flower model in two ways – to draw it by yourself using a special graphics program or entrust the development of professional visualizer. Step by step rendering of the model can take plenty of time and for some people it will be a pretty tough thing. Graphic design is just not for everyone and it is completely normal. The ideal solution would be downloading a 3D model of a flower on our specialized portal. If you manage to find something you like, but in a particular way (for example, the color does not suit you, but the shape is okay) you can edit it by yourself. But we just want to say that our library of 3D models is really big, and we are pretty sure that you will definitely find something to your liking.

Tilia Europea

Set of Chinese Magnolia Trees (Saucer Magnolia) (3 Trees)


Ivy for the ceiling 4 models


Collection mixed plants bush shrubs set 04

Christmas Tree Street

Barbaris Tunberga set №2

Agave 03

Vertical garden stand 15

indoor Plant Set 98


Bonsai Benjamin indoor Plants – Set 101



Miniature Roses

Indoor Plant Set 94

Green wall 2


Bouquets set 59

Peregrine Labs Yeti for Maya

E.S Monster - Chunli – Printable

Jigglystix - Ahsoka – Printable

E.S Monster - Cammy – Printable

Project Manager for 3ds Max

Rubim - Atelier Ryza – Printable

E.S Monster - Red Monika – Printable


Alice – Printable

Black Adam Bust – Printable

Eddy Workshop - Arale – Printable

WolverineBust – Printable

Panorama with Elbrus and hills 2 pcs 30-50k

Panorama of the park with a lake and snow-covered trees 30k

Panorama from the park 30k

HDRi – s2

plz advise which blender version is compatible with this auto rig pro version, precisely for rigging human characters

Download realistic plant models for architectural 3d design

Our site offers designers and planners a wide range of flower models for 3D Max in excellent quality. In this section you can download free 3D flower models for landscape design and visualization of residential and commercial interiors:

  • Room flowers;
  • Flower arrangements in floor and hanging vases;
  • Bonsai trees of different height and shape;
  • Ornamental shrubs;
  • Almost any kind of bushes and grass;
  • Wildflowers and garden flowers.

Comfortable navigation on the site by using tags makes it possible to find and download a free 3D model of a vase, house flower or decorative plant in just a few minutes. Processing the image in a graphic editor takes much less time and effort than creating a model from scratch. You will find hundreds of three-dimensional images you will crawl deeply in site’s catalog.

Читайте также:  Пыльца цветковых растений это

All models of plants perfectly traced to the smallest detail. They can be released on a CNC machine, as well as on a default 3D printer. The material can be anything: plastic, MDF, wood.

Flowers, fruits, berries – all plant motifs have always been a favorite decoration of the house and garden. In the section you download meshes of them just for free. You do not need to pay for anything. Flowers are definitely a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries or weddings. Such a present with wishes of happiness and prosperity is nice to give to a wife, relative, boss or just colleague.

All 3D models of plants can be scaled up and down. Without any problem, it is possible to increase or decrease roses, chrysanthemums, fruit-flower and other bouquets and compositions to the size you need.

Woodcarvers have long been prized throughout the world. In the past, such delicate work was done by hand, so it took a lot of time and effort. Modern equipment like CNC machines and 3D printers allow you to make decor for home and country houses, souvenir products more qualitatively and much faster. From this carved floral decor becomes more accessible, but still creates a unique atmosphere of the house and garden, emphasizes the unique style and invariably speak of the exquisite taste of the owner.

Since that “Plants” section is constantly updating, it makes sense to bookmark our online store to keep track of new content and always be aware of fashionable and interesting items. All models are presented in OBJ and FBX formats, so you will not face any trouble when using them. They are made with Corona, Max or Vray applications.

If you need to choose a plant for your home or if you’re just looking for inspiration for your creativity, develop a game, make an art project — whatever, visit our site in the special section and download any plant or tree model you like for free.


3D модели: деревья, кусты, садовые растения

3D модели: Деревья, кусты

Подраздел растений, в котором можно найти и скачать 3D модели разнообразных деревьев, кустов, садовых растений в форматах 3ds Max, Vray, FBX, OBJ, 3DS, C4D, Blender, xfr, с текстурами и материалами. Это все типы внешних растений, для ландшафта, экстерьера, цветы для клумб, трава, полевые растения, живые изгороди, плющ и.т.п.

Подразделы моделей растительности:

3d-модель Цветущие деревья войлочной вишни

3d-модель Часть леса с грибами

3d-модель Цветущее растение Polygonum orientale

3d-модель Три дерева с гирляндами

3d-модель Розовая трава Muhlenbergia Capillari

3d-модель Зимние деревья, 5 вариантов

3d-модель Цветущая лиана на черной стене

3d-модель Ампельное растение с белыми цветами в бетонном контейнере

3d-модель Кусты белой гортензии (гедрангии)

3d-модель Несколько кустов мискантуса

3d-модель Клен Acer Ginnala

3d-модель Дерево Джакаранда мимозолистная с сиреневыми цветами

3d-модель Колосья пшеницы

3d-модель Береза 4,8 м (лето и осень)

3d-модель Береза 17,5 м

3d-модель Топиари-медведь

3d-модель Два дерева Chinese Pistache

3d-модель Две цветущие черемухи

3d-модель Зимний ясень 18 м

3d-модель Три желтые туи

3d-модель Плющ на бетонной стене с контейнером

3d-модель Небольшое хвойное дерево

3d-модель Цветущий куст сирени

3d-модель Высокая сосна 17 м

3d-модель Пустынные растения на прямоугольной клумбе

3d-модель Крупные пальмы Архонтофеникс Александры

3d-модель Деревья-топиари 2-3м

3d-модель Кусты лаванды (Lavender Angustifoli)

3d-модель Древовидный папоротник Dicksonia Antarctica

3d-модель Трава для ландшафта (14)

3d-модель Три финиковые пальмы

3d-модель Дерево Pinus Pinea

3d-модель Две березы

3d-модель Платан с кроной «London Planetree»

3d-модель Желто-зеленая трава

3d-модель Платан 15,7 м

3d-модель Три дерева Церциса канадского

3d-модель Коллекция ампельных растений для сада

3d-модель Три высокие заснеженные сосны

3d-модель Дерево Терминалия катаппа (Индийский миндаль)


3D Plants

House and ornamental plants play an important role in the design of living spaces and outdoor areas. In the development of interior projects there is often a need to create a three-dimensional model of a vase with flowers or houseplants on the windowsill. Also without 3D meshes of flowers there is just no way to be for a landscape design – three-dimensional image helps to pick up the necessary varieties of flower crops and ornamental bushes for the flower decking, front garden or just in some kind of country house.

Читайте также:  Основные правила подкормки растений

It is possible to create a 3D model of a flower model in two ways – to draw it by yourself using a special graphics program or entrust the development of professional visualizer. Step by step rendering of the model can take plenty of time and for some people it will be a pretty tough thing. Graphic design is just not for everyone and it is completely normal. The ideal solution would be downloading a 3D model of a flower on our specialized portal. If you manage to find something you like, but in a particular way (for example, the color does not suit you, but the shape is okay) you can edit it by yourself. But we just want to say that our library of 3D models is really big, and we are pretty sure that you will definitely find something to your liking.

Tilia Europea

Set of Chinese Magnolia Trees (Saucer Magnolia) (3 Trees)


Ivy for the ceiling 4 models


Collection mixed plants bush shrubs set 04

Christmas Tree Street

Barbaris Tunberga set №2

Agave 03

Vertical garden stand 15

indoor Plant Set 98


Bonsai Benjamin indoor Plants – Set 101



Miniature Roses

Indoor Plant Set 94

Green wall 2


Bouquets set 59

Peregrine Labs Yeti for Maya

E.S Monster - Chunli – Printable

Jigglystix - Ahsoka – Printable

E.S Monster - Cammy – Printable

Project Manager for 3ds Max

Rubim - Atelier Ryza – Printable

E.S Monster - Red Monika – Printable


Alice – Printable

Black Adam Bust – Printable

Eddy Workshop - Arale – Printable

WolverineBust – Printable

Panorama with Elbrus and hills 2 pcs 30-50k

Panorama of the park with a lake and snow-covered trees 30k

Panorama from the park 30k

HDRi – s2

plz advise which blender version is compatible with this auto rig pro version, precisely for rigging human characters

Download realistic plant models for architectural 3d design

Our site offers designers and planners a wide range of flower models for 3D Max in excellent quality. In this section you can download free 3D flower models for landscape design and visualization of residential and commercial interiors:

  • Room flowers;
  • Flower arrangements in floor and hanging vases;
  • Bonsai trees of different height and shape;
  • Ornamental shrubs;
  • Almost any kind of bushes and grass;
  • Wildflowers and garden flowers.

Comfortable navigation on the site by using tags makes it possible to find and download a free 3D model of a vase, house flower or decorative plant in just a few minutes. Processing the image in a graphic editor takes much less time and effort than creating a model from scratch. You will find hundreds of three-dimensional images you will crawl deeply in site’s catalog.

All models of plants perfectly traced to the smallest detail. They can be released on a CNC machine, as well as on a default 3D printer. The material can be anything: plastic, MDF, wood.

Flowers, fruits, berries – all plant motifs have always been a favorite decoration of the house and garden. In the section you download meshes of them just for free. You do not need to pay for anything. Flowers are definitely a great gift for birthdays, anniversaries or weddings. Such a present with wishes of happiness and prosperity is nice to give to a wife, relative, boss or just colleague.

All 3D models of plants can be scaled up and down. Without any problem, it is possible to increase or decrease roses, chrysanthemums, fruit-flower and other bouquets and compositions to the size you need.

Читайте также:  Имбирь корень чего какого растения

Woodcarvers have long been prized throughout the world. In the past, such delicate work was done by hand, so it took a lot of time and effort. Modern equipment like CNC machines and 3D printers allow you to make decor for home and country houses, souvenir products more qualitatively and much faster. From this carved floral decor becomes more accessible, but still creates a unique atmosphere of the house and garden, emphasizes the unique style and invariably speak of the exquisite taste of the owner.

Since that “Plants” section is constantly updating, it makes sense to bookmark our online store to keep track of new content and always be aware of fashionable and interesting items. All models are presented in OBJ and FBX formats, so you will not face any trouble when using them. They are made with Corona, Max or Vray applications.

If you need to choose a plant for your home or if you’re just looking for inspiration for your creativity, develop a game, make an art project — whatever, visit our site in the special section and download any plant or tree model you like for free.


3D модели: растения, флора

3D модели: Растения

Полезный раздел сайта, в котором можно скачать 3D модели растений для интерьера и экстерьера. Это как комнатные, декоративные цветы и растения, в напольных и висячих горшках, так и обширный выбор растений для сада, ландшафта: кусты, деревья, живые изгороди, трава, цветы для клумбы, плющ и.т.п. 3d-модели растений представлены в форматах 3ds Max, Vray, FBX, OBJ, 3DS, C4D, XFR, Blender и др., с текстурами и материалами.

Подразделы моделей растительности:

3d-модель Томаты в кашпо

3d-модель Цветущие деревья войлочной вишни

3d-модель Горшки Case Study Modernica с растениями

3d-модель Растения в цветочных горшках Overstock

3d-модель Букет из зверобоя

3d-модель Горшки с травой и кактус

3d-модель Часть леса с грибами

3d-модель Растения в оригинальных горшках на подносе

3d-модель Протея и пионы в букете

3d-модель Цветущее растение Polygonum orientale

3d-модель Розовый с желтым букет

3d-модель Три дерева с гирляндами

3d-модель Тюльпаны в рифленых вазах

3d-модель Розовая трава Muhlenbergia Capillari

3d-модель Букет с артишоком

3d-модель Желтые цветы в синей вазе

3d-модель Текстурные вазы с ветками

3d-модель Кактус опунция в разноцветных горшках

3d-модель Две белые вазы с цветами

3d-модель Букет с анемонами и листьями эвкалипта

3d-модель Зимние деревья, 5 вариантов

3d-модель Букет из травы и три вазы

3d-модель Букет цветов в подарочной коробке

3d-модель Коллекция бетонных емкостей Crosshatch с мхом

3d-модель Розы и лилии в вазе

3d-модель Медная ваза с букетом из тропических листьев

3d-модель Вазы с цветами гортензии

3d-модель Букет в двух вариантах

3d-модель Сухие травы в декоративных контейнерах

3d-модель Букет из веток и цветов в вазе

3d-модель Сухая трава и розовые гортензии в вазе

3d-модель Цветущая лиана на черной стене

3d-модель Букетик пурпурных анемонов в вазе

3d-модель Белые цветы в мраморной вазе

3d-модель Ампельное растение с белыми цветами в бетонном контейнере

3d-модель Угловой контейнер с растениями

3d-модель Сухой белый букет в стеклянной вазе

3d-модель Кусты белой гортензии (гедрангии)

3d-модель Несколько кустов мискантуса

3d-модель Зеленый букет с цветком протеи


Сборник 3d моделей растений

CheckMate Pro Logo

Tomatoes Fruits and Flowers

CheckMate Pro Logo

CheckMate Pro Logo

Grapevine Bark Collection

CheckMate Pro Logo

CheckMate Pro Logo

Soybean Plant

CheckMate Pro Logo

CheckMate Lite Logo

Centipede Warm Season Grass

CheckMate Lite Logo

CheckMate Pro Logo

Fruits Collection 10

CheckMate Pro Logo

CheckMate Pro Logo

Yellow Gerbera Flower

CheckMate Pro Logo

CheckMate Pro Logo

Lilium — White

CheckMate Pro Logo

CheckMate Pro Logo

Flowering Plants Collection 8

CheckMate Pro Logo


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  • Назначаемые права модели

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