- Workers and resources soviet republic деревья
- Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Wiki
- Wood
- Contents
- Gathering wood [ ]
- Woodcutting Post [ ]
- Wood
- Production
- Max. workers
- Produces
- Export storage
- Storing and transporting wood [ ]
- Workers and resources soviet republic деревья
- Workers and resources soviet republic деревья
Workers and resources soviet republic деревья
28 мар. 2019 в 20:10
после того, как лесорубы вырубили весь дикорастущий лес, приходиться сосны в ручную сажать.
Хорошо бы добавить делянки саженцев, похожие на поля с кукурузой в совхозе. Что бы на таких делянках работники лесхоза сами новые деревья высаживали.
Или просто чтобы они в радиусе действия лесхоза сами саженцы сажали после сбора заготовленной древесины.
29 мар. 2019 в 2:05
Предлагалось добавить лесхозу чекбокс для высева саженцев на подшефной территории (или запрета такого высева), либо «кисть» на манер ландшафтной выравнивалки для массового засева лесом больших территорий вручную.
У разрабов в планах значится «Massive planting tress,» то есть фича будет, но как именно будет реализована — пока неведомо.
23 мар. 2020 в 17:28
Добрый день! Почему-то перестал работать лесоповал. Техника в нём имеется, рабочие там есть, электроэнергия есть, Леса вокруг полно. Но не вырубается ничего, техника стоит. Зайдя в просмотр здания видно зелёное сообщение «Работает без проблем», но вырубка не ведётся.
В чём проблема, подскажите пожалуйста?
23 мар. 2020 в 23:16
Добрый день! Почему-то перестал работать лесоповал. Техника в нём имеется, рабочие там есть, электроэнергия есть, Леса вокруг полно. Но не вырубается ничего, техника стоит. Зайдя в просмотр здания видно зелёное сообщение «Работает без проблем», но вырубка не ведётся.
В чём проблема, подскажите пожалуйста?
Возможны два варианта: либо в хранилищах не осталось места для древесины (хотя в таком случае вроде «работает без проблем» не отображается), либо у лесопилок закончилось топливо и им негде заправиться поблизости.
24 мар. 2020 в 12:50
Добрый день! Почему-то перестал работать лесоповал. Техника в нём имеется, рабочие там есть, электроэнергия есть, Леса вокруг полно. Но не вырубается ничего, техника стоит. Зайдя в просмотр здания видно зелёное сообщение «Работает без проблем», но вырубка не ведётся.
В чём проблема, подскажите пожалуйста?
Возможны два варианта: либо в хранилищах не осталось места для древесины (хотя в таком случае вроде «работает без проблем» не отображается), либо у лесопилок закончилось топливо и им негде заправиться поблизости.
Автомобили из лесоповала перемещал, их два, в каждом по три лесовоза. Заправка по близости имеется, топливо в ней есть.
Два лесоповала подключены к лесопилке, возле них большой склад. Вырубка не ведётся. Что за «баг» не пойму.
25 мар. 2020 в 11:25
Возможны два варианта: либо в хранилищах не осталось места для древесины (хотя в таком случае вроде «работает без проблем» не отображается), либо у лесопилок закончилось топливо и им негде заправиться поблизости.
Автомобили из лесоповала перемещал, их два, в каждом по три лесовоза. Заправка по близости имеется, топливо в ней есть.
Два лесоповала подключены к лесопилке, возле них большой склад. Вырубка не ведётся. Что за «баг» не пойму.
Пролечил этот «баг» только одним способом. Разрушил постройку «лесоповал» и построил заново. Всё заработало. Так и не поняв почему перестала функционировать.
26 авг. 2020 в 8:57
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Wiki
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Wood is a raw material that can be refined by various industries and can be exported.
Gathering wood [ ]
Woodcutting Post [ ]
Max. workers
6.3t Wood per worker
Export storage
The Woodcutting Post building is used to gather wood from trees. When placing a woodcutting post, trees that can be harvested by the building will be highlighted. open-hull trucks with felled tree capacity may be purchased or assigned to a woodcutting post. Workers at the woodcutting post will chop down trees, then trucks assigned to the building will automatically gather wood from the ground and store it in the woodcutting post. 30 workers may work at each woodcutting post, producing 6.3 tons of wood per worker every day.
Trees do not regenerate automatically, however, the seed tree tool may be used to plant new trees around the woodcutting post, allowing the building to continue gathering wood.
Storing and transporting wood [ ]
Each woodcutting post stores up to 50 tons of wood. Wood may also be stored in open storage buildings.
Wood may be transported using open-hull trucks, by train using open-hull cargo wagons, or by forklift.
Workers and resources soviet republic деревья
17 мар. 2019 в 0:41
I know Comrade Developer, I should be gratefull to live and work in Glorious Soviet Republic and not complaign too much, but can we please have a treeplanting brush to designate tree planting areas? Replanting every tree one by one to keep my woodcutting posts supplied starts hurting my finger.
19 мар. 2019 в 8:24
I would like to see a way to replenish trees as well..
Some kind of reforestation building whereby they plant trees that grow over time from saplings
3 апр. 2019 в 9:16
I endorse these comrades’ opinions. The People’s index fingers will fall off if the glorious party doesn’t help with this issue!
20 апр. 2019 в 9:32
20 апр. 2019 в 12:13
Ideally the woodcutting post would plant trees as it cuts them, I think.
They’d need time to grow, of course.
Even cooler would be if they planted them in rows, just like real forestry.
20 апр. 2019 в 13:50
Communist governments weren’t really known for their respect for the environment, and also, a tree takes years to grow realistically. I think it would be a better fix to make the range of the woodcutting post much bigger, I’m sure the trucks would be able to travel a lot more than the current radius of the woodcutting post.
16 авг. 2020 в 13:03
Communist governments usually plant pine trees and a lot of them since they grow pretty quickly. Our whole country is naturally mixed forest but after socialism it’s mostly pine spruce and firs.
16 авг. 2020 в 13:26
Communist governments usually plant pine trees and a lot of them since they grow pretty quickly. Our whole country is naturally mixed forest but after socialism it’s mostly pine spruce and firs.
We’ve been having the same monoculture approach in Canada and now half the country is on fire every year.
It’s probably just a low priority thing they’ll address later on ( About the game, not the fires)
16 авг. 2020 в 13:43
Reforestation office would be great thing — I’ll spare us many micromanagement, and let us increase production of wood. Other Idea is that cutted tree can be simply replaced by new one maybe at the expense of efficiency of woodcutting post, or increased number of workers.
Second thing I would love to see is tool for planting «natural», mixed forest. Sometimes I need to reforest some place, and doing it manually for every single type of tree is inefficient, and often result isn’t satysfying.
18 авг. 2020 в 0:07
Reforestation isn’t a problem when it comes to environmental or fire safety questions. As with many other problems, knowledge is the difference between success and disaster.
As for the environmental part (Some mentioned monoculture, a big problem caused by a combination of ignorance, lack of imaginations and want for good productivity). Though this is not true. Some kinds of threes grows diffrently in diffrent environments, so some species thrive where others don’t. But a mixed forest produces 30 % more than a single-speice forest. But it costs sligthly more to maintain. The problem here is the timeframe. This started to change in large scale only 30 years ago in many countries. It will take a while before it’s starting to take effect.
As for the safety matters (fires, storms, biological treaths) it might be easier to prevent. Though connected with the environmental problem (mixed forests are more resistant) the problem is different. It always amazes me that fires are such a big problem in some countries, while in others it isn’t. Take Sweden and Finland for example, two of the most developed countries in the world in forestry. Sweden have problems with fires, Finland don’t. The terrain and forests are about the same, so it shouldn’t differ. But a look at the maps and Google earth is quite revealing. Sweden has less roads in the forests and they work bigger areas at once. Border areas between different forests (no open space needed) and roads (aside for being usefully for firetrucks) impedes fires. Other threats are limited by these same methods.
Workers and resources soviet republic деревья
23 мар. 2019 в 12:26
After starting my first city, i have started some woodcutting posts, and planted trees after the cut down trees, but somehow the woodcutting post doesnt see the trees that i planted close to them, but the trees that are planted in the city could be cut down.
Also a tree planting tool would be very nice, like the level terrain tool, but with tree planting.
23 мар. 2019 в 12:34
23 мар. 2019 в 13:31
They are not true soviet trees. But really, it will cut them. I sometimes have the problem of placing a woodcutting post too close to town and having to constantly replant decorative trees.
23 мар. 2019 в 13:51
somehow the woodcutting post doesnt see the trees that i planted close to them, but the trees that are planted in the city could be cut down.
Can it be that the trees you’ve planted are still too small to be cut down and your lumberjacks give them time to grow enough?
23 мар. 2019 в 14:02
somehow the woodcutting post doesnt see the trees that i planted close to them, but the trees that are planted in the city could be cut down.
Can it be that the trees you’ve planted are still too small to be cut down and your lumberjacks give them time to grow enough? At first I thought about that too, but they dont seem to grow anymore, and the plantation period is not too apart from the city area.
23 мар. 2019 в 14:02
They are not true soviet trees. But really, it will cut them. I sometimes have the problem of placing a woodcutting post too close to town and having to constantly replant decorative trees.
Or maybe workers are afraid of true soviet trees, because you know, in soviet Russia trees will cut you.
Those planted trees will be added after they will reach 100% size.. they will added into woodcutting post you already have near them.. check also other trees are not marked when hovering over with the new woodcutting post..
23 мар. 2019 в 14:12
At first I thought about that too, but they dont seem to grow anymore, and the plantation period is not too apart from the city area.
I don’t have the lumber industry in my city because planks are cheap and can be bought, so I’m just going with wild guessing. Can it be that they made a list of all trees they can reach for, and the newly planted trees were added to the end of the list and will not be touched until it’s their turn?
Or maybe workers are afraid of true soviet trees, because you know, in soviet Russia trees will cut you.
Yes, but. Soviet Russia is across the border, right there where the red stars are. Even further actually unless it’s Kaliningrad oblast. It should be Soviet Lithuania, Soviet Belarus, Soviet Ukraine, or Soviet Moldova. Anyway, it can’t be the case on your map.
24 мар. 2019 в 1:47
Those planted trees will be added after they will reach 100% size.. they will added into woodcutting post you already have near them.. check also other trees are not marked when hovering over with the new woodcutting post..
Okay I will wait a bit then, thank you.
At first I thought about that too, but they dont seem to grow anymore, and the plantation period is not too apart from the city area.
I don’t have the lumber industry in my city because planks are cheap and can be bought, so I’m just going with wild guessing. Can it be that they made a list of all trees they can reach for, and the newly planted trees were added to the end of the list and will not be touched until it’s their turn?
Or maybe workers are afraid of true soviet trees, because you know, in soviet Russia trees will cut you.
Yes, but. Soviet Russia is across the border, right there where the red stars are. Even further actually unless it’s Kaliningrad oblast. It should be Soviet Lithuania, Soviet Belarus, Soviet Ukraine, or Soviet Moldova. Anyway, it can’t be the case on your map.
You are right, but the soviet spirit knows no borders.