Fallout 4 домашние растения

Fallout 4 домашние растения

Ролевой экшен, продолжающий историю вселенной Fallout.

Последний житель 111 убежища оказался вне крепких стен, в не самой дружелюбной среде. Каждое ваше решение принесет определенные последствия, будьте готовы к неожиданным встречам и находкам на территории пустошей. Добыча ресурсов и их последующее использование позволит вам создать сотни полезных предметов, а умелое использование различных примочек в бою позволит вам сохранить себе жизнь или же помочь бедолагам.

На создании уникального героя ничего не закончится, возглавьте свое поселение! Развивайте его вместе с теми, кого удалось спасти. В любой момент вы можете резко изменить курс и снова отправиться в самовольное путешествие по огромному миру.

Операционная система: 64-разрядные Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Процессор: Intel Core i5-2300 @ 2,8 ГГц / AMD Phenom II X4 945 @ 3 ГГц
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti / AMD Radeon HD 7870 с 2 ГБ видеопамяти
Оперативная память: 8 ГБ
Звуковая карта: DirectX-совместимая
Место на диске: 30 ГБ
DirectX: версии 11

Операционная система: 64-разрядные Windows 7 / 8 / 10
Процессор: Intel Core i7 4790 @ 3,6 ГГц / Intel Core i7-5820K для игры с HD Texture Pack / AMD FX-9590 @ 4,7 ГГц
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 780 (3 ГБ) / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 (8 ГБ) для игры с HD Texture Pack / AMD Radeon R9 290X (4 ГБ)
Оперативная память: 8 ГБ
Звуковая карта: DirectX-совместимая
Место на диске: 30 ГБ / 58 ГБ с использованием HD Texture Pack
DirectX: версии 11


More Colorful Potted Plants

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By request, I merged More Colorful Harvest & More, More Colorful Bathroom Art, More Colorful Fishy Stuff, & More Colorful Potted Plants into the same file. I will leave up the individual files in case you don’t want everything. This file is over 4 times the size of the last version of More Colorful Harvest. I left the esp name of MCH the same name so the scripting will not go wonky. Please refer to each page for its usage. Please got to More Colorful Harvest for the combined file.

Just a learning experience in 3ds Max, aka cleaning out the junk drawer. I thought I’d share. I got tired of the poor offerings of potted plants so I tried to fix it. More Colorful Potted Plants adds 29 plant related items to the miscellaneous crafting menu. 14 different kinds of pots and 4 plant stands. If you don’t like them, not lore friendly enough, or not DD cup sized enough for you, move on and keep your comments to yourself.

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1.2 adds more completely new meshes and textures
1.1 adds missing esp
1.0 release

Screenshots include lovely blue walls and floors from the Masterwork Architecture Project mod.

This will overwrite files from some of my other mods, but they are the same so it’s safe.
Any questions or problems, please contact me on Discord.

More Colorful Critters
Over 150 more critters to shout at.
More Colorful Clothing
adds over 300 female clothes, shoes, boots, sandals, wedding wreaths, and gloves to the game all craftable
More Colorful Alchemy Plants
This is a resource with a small sample mod to show you what the plants look like in the game. Each plant has a corresponding ingredient. The sample plants are behind Jorrvaskr.
More Colorful Shrooms
This is a resource with a small sample mod to show you what the mushrooms look like in the game. Each ‘shroom has a corresponding ingredient. The ‘shrooms in game are on the road in front of Pelagia Farm.
More Colorful Ferns
This is a resource with a small sample mod to show you what the plants look like in the game. The plants in game are on the grounds around Jorrvaskr.
Markarth Botanical Gardens
An eye candy mod with a living area, new alchemy plants, and a new world space to call home. Live there, hunt there, or harvest and run.
Falkreath Overlook Farmhouse
A small house above Falkreath with lots of landscaping, new alchemy plants, and crafting and storage areas.
More Colorful Trees & Shrubs
Tree resource with a small sample mod to show the trees in game. Look on the road between the western watchtower and Whiterun stables.
Riften Well House
Argonian house next to Riften South Gate. Inspired by Wolverine Hall Well House by Korana for Morrowind.
Solitude Tree House Shack
(optional General Stores compatibility)
Small house with a lot of landscaping on the island next to Solitude Sawmill.
A Place to Stay
Inspired by «A Good Place to Stay» mod by Simstar for Morrowind. Adds a Dwemer house next to Pelagia Farm with mannequins for each of the types of armor in Skyrim with quite a few to spare for armor mods.

More Colorful Harvest & More
Adds wild plants, planters, terrariums, aquariums, benches, tables and more to the crafting menu.
Food Drive Favorites
What ever happened to all those cans of beans anyway?
More Colorful Bathroom Art
Which is correct, over or under? The world may never know.
More Colorful Commonwealth
Adds a little color to the grasses of the Commonwealth
More Colorful Fishy Stuff
More Colorful Potted Plants
More Colorful General Merchandise

Give the fish bones and animate the fish tanks

Q:Will you be adding them to your large More Colorful mod?
A: Probably but not for a long time.

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Q: You broke my game/it doesn’t work.
A: Yes, it does, remove some of your crafting mods and try again

Q: Will you make it SK/Homemaker/some other mod you don’t want to use compatible?
A: No

Q: Your work sucks.
A: You got what you paid for.

Q: Do you know the meaning of life?
A: yep

1) Extract the contents of the ZIP folder into a temporary folder or use NMM
2) Cut & Paste files to your Data folder
3) Have fun

To The Good Lord
Bethesda for creating Fallout 4.
Elianora for her tutorial on static mashups in Outfit Studio. I learned what not to try to mash up. (Trees and most plants don’t like Outfit Studio)
Hanaisee for her tutorial on static mashups in Nifskope.

Tools Used:
Tools used:
3ds Max
Ivy generator for 3ds Max
Materials Editor
Outfit Studio
Creation Kit
Bethesda Archive Extractor

Textures from my own photographs & Textures.com

Creating rocks in 3ds Max

Creating a Low Poly Plant in 3ds Max

Creating a flower pot & plant stand in 3Ds Max

Make a simple Vase in 3Ds Max

Spline Modeling in 3Ds Max

You may NOT upload this file to any other site without my permission. You may not put them in any compilation of resources without my permission.
You may not use these in mods that you ask for money or donations.


Eli’s Craftable Flower Pots / Создаваемые растения в горшках для Fallout 4


Ссылка на скачивание будет доступна через сек. Если Вы не хотите ждать, Вы можете скачать файл через торрент!

Эта модификация добавит в игру пять создаваемых растений в горшке — два папоротника (один с цветком, один, поменьше — без), агаву, чертополох и еще один типа папоротник.

Их можно найти в меню «разное». Требуется дерево, удобрение и керамика.
В отличие от ванильных растений, вы можете размещать эти горшки с растениями на практически любой поверхности типа столов и шкафчиков.

Большое спасибо FadingSignal за исправление коллизий.

Установите архив при помощи Nexus Mod Manager или Mod Manager.

Либо вручную:
Откройте C:\Пользователи\%USER%\AppData\Local\Fallout4\plugins.txt;
Добавьте строку «имя файла.esp» без кавычек;
Сохраните plugins.txt;
Переместите выбранный esp в \Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data».

— Отредактируйте строку fallout4.ini и убедитесь, что следующая строка:
выглядит так

Разработка сайта с нуля — процесс трудоемкий и требующий максимальной ответственности и профессионализма со стороны разработчиков и менеджеров.

В компании RetsCorp выполняется разработка лендинг пейдж быстро, мы проповедуем Культ Дедлайна, и вы можете быть уверены, что на выходе получите свой веб-проект на высшем уровне и в срок. Как правило, создание сайта с нуля занимает около 30 дней, и, в конечном итоге, мир веба пополняется новым выдающимся ресурсом, а ваш бизнес-инструментарий — мощным источником новых клиентов, стабильной прибыли и усилением имиджа бренда.

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Eli’s Craftable Flower Pots

  • banner
  • Bucket plants
  • New
  • Tropical pot
  • New
  • Dogmeat gets his own decor too
  •  Crafting menu

Love those clay pots at greenhouses that you can’t even touch? I was annoyed I couldn’t pick them up, let alone use them for decorating. So I made new plants! 5 new craftable plant pots.

This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game.

Mods requiring this file

Credits and distribution permission

  • Other user’s assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder’s resources
  • Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
  • Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
  • Conversion permission You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances
  • Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are allowed to use the assets in this file in mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
  • Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
  • Console modding permission This mod will not be available on Bethesda.net for console users

Author notes

As always, patches and translations are fine, as long as the mod’s assets/bsa are downloaded from this mod page.
Any assets I’ve created are free to use.
Check my profile for detailed, blanket permission details.

File credits

This author has not credited anyone else in this file

Donation Points system

This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points

Translations available on the Nexus

Straight donations accepted

Love those clay pots at greenhouses that you can’t even touch? I was annoyed I couldn’t pick them up, let alone use them for decorating.
So I made new plants!

Mod adds five craftable plant pots: Two ferns (one with flower one smaller without flower), agave, a thistle and that fernyleafthingie.

• Craft under Decoration -> Misc. Use wood, fertiliser and ceramic
• Unlike vanilla plants, you can place these on almost all surfaces like tables and dressers.

:: THANKS ♥ ::

FadingSignal for fixing the gorramn collisions

Follow me on social media for WIP pics and stuff-stuff:


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